
Mostrando entradas de abril 22, 2018

Task 8: Journalist

Hi everyone!!!!  How are you this week? I hope your are well. I am Elena, the journalist of this week, I'm really excited to be journalist because it was the only role I was missing! As we do every week, we started distributing the roles. And this week they were the following ones: After this, we started reading the document that our teacher Linda posted on the LMS. Our task this week was creating an advertisement in Stop-motion format explaining the different concepts that appeared in the Decalogue (that was about educative politics). In case someone does not know what a Stop-motion is, I’m going to explain it: this is a video composed of photographs in sequence that make the effect of an animated video. From the other part, I would like to stress that this task seems to be easy, but the thing is that it was not as easy as we thought, so we had to work really hard!!! We had many doubts when we were thinking about how we could make an original Stop

Task 8: Curator-farmer

Hello, it's Bea! This week, I have curator-farmer's role. That is why I attach here the references of the resources used to carry out the task called Stop-motionING basics for a new educational law : https://www.mindomo.com/es/mindmap/1e3ede16f2289119e22ebad184cdd72c As we were asked to make a video using stop-motion and we were provided with the information we ought to include, we did not use extra tools. Oh, well... I forgot about... OUR IMAGINATION ! It was paramount for the development of the eight task. We came to the idea that reflecting a situation with gummies was an appealing way to represent our vision about a fairer educational context. Thanks! Keep reading task 8's posts if you disagree with the Spanish educational system and look forward to its change. Lovely teachers <3

TASK 8: Reflection

Hello everybody! I am Andrea and this week I have to make a reflection about a task called Stop-motionING basics for a New Educational Law . As we already know, it has a crucial role in our profession as teachers, so... pay attention! To begin with, our objective was to elaborate a stop-motion in which the main concepts of the Decalogue developed by the platform #porotrapoliticaeducativa were represented. Therefore, we thought of a creative way to illustrate them: the jelly beans. On Wednesday, after presenting our project in class, we participated in the “Eurovision contest” celebrated there, but, unfortunately, we did not get a really good position. This fact was a bit disappointing for us, since we believed that our work had not been valued enough. But, it was only a game! After all, we consider we have made a good job using our creativity and imagination. However, as a group, we need to improve some aspects, such as the elaboration of different posts and the organization of

Task 8: Commenting other blogs

The journalist’s role is not only based on telling what we do each week, but also on exploring two more blogs related to our weekly task. In this post, I have decided to comment a blog called Discovery education . I really like it, because it shows many ways to create a story. Some of the author's suggestions are: flipbooks, stop-motion animation, cell and cut-out animations… I have really enjoyed reading this blog, since it reflects easy and funny things you can teach your students in many different ways. The point is that you can change your routine as a teacher. I mean, introducing methodologies like this, in which children are active learners, would suppose reducing the use of boring textbooks teachers usually prefer because of comfort. In plus, we think that the author's ideas are really interesting because of the fact that children can acquire knowledge by themselves. As you will see if you take a look at this blog, it also provides some videos in which the au

Task 8: Translator

Hi, my name is Ángela and I am this week's translator. For this task, we have used Stop-motion format. This is a cinematographic technique whereby the camera is repeatedly stopped and started so as to give animated figures the impression of movement. With the previous technique, we have made a video about basics for a New Educational Law : the law in a State, country or city that specifically governs educational bodies, such as public and private schools and universities. The main basics we have representated in that video are: Universal access to education : is the ability of all people to have equal opportunities in education, regardless of their social class, gender, ethnicity background or physical and mental disabilities. Pedagogical autonomy  of the teaching and direction staff to develop a consensual educational project within the educational community, facilitating the regulation of economic management aspects that respond to their needs and projects. Lay