
Mostrando entradas de abril 8, 2018

Task 7.1: Translator

Hi everyone! This is Ana and I'm Task 7's translator. As a consequence, I have collected the five main terms which, in my opinion are the crucial ones: -Complexity theory:   Referring to schools, it basically describes the functioning of a whole system in which all of his components are connected between themselves, that is to say, each one of the elements has relation with the others to a greater or lesser extent. -Emerging knowledge:  It is referred to the knowledge that emerges through connections of the different parts within the educational system. It is useful in order to change of modify the already known information. -Randomness  It can be understood as the constant pressure in order to innovate or introduce significant changes in a complex system. -Deterministic order: On the contrary, it can be understood as the pressure so as to remain constantly the same. It is opposed to introduce variations or changes that could modify the tr

Task 7.1: Our news

This post includes the news that better represented the contents of the chapters related to Complexity of schools we were given, according to our opinion: TASK 7: RELATIONSHIPS IN A COMPLEX CONTEXT CHAPTER 1: Bearing in mind the Complexity theory , we think the most suitable article is the one in which parents and teachers ask for the removal of the fourth grade final test, from secondary school in Spain. This text states the dissatisfaction both parents and teachers find with this type of exam. Moreover, they also say this kind of test will only be considered as a waste of the State founds, since they are only a “photo taken in a specific period of time” and it does not necessarily show the reality of each student’s capabilities. We see this composition as truly tight to the topic mentioned before ( Complexity theory ), due to the fact that, according to the chapter read from The Complexity of Schools (Starkey, L., 2012) schools are institutions where diffe

Task 7.1: Reflection

Hey everybody, what’s up?Wwe are so glad of having you here once again. Our last task’s title was: “Complexity and Relationships”. Complexities were something we had never heard about before Monday 9th, so we had to start by reading and searching articles and news about the complexities of schools. But the task wasn’t so easy, after understanding what each of the six complexities mean, we had to find one news related to each of them. Personally, this was the worst part of the activity because we spent so much time looking for news. If we take the look back, we find that above all we’ve learn two different things: the first one is to cooperate with other groups. We struggled a bit here because, as you know each person works in a different way and until the moment, we had worked with the same group for almost 2 months, so it was a bit difficult but at the end we managed to get on well, and we did our newspaper. The second thing we have learnt is about how schools a

Task 7.1: Journalist

Hey!!! How are you, guys? We have been absent for two weeks because of our holidays, but, do not worry! We are here again to continue making you learn lots of things! I am Natalia, the journalist of this week, and I am going to introduce you in the world of School Organization... Probably you all are waiting for an explanation related to educational resources, but I have to tell you that this is finished and we have started with School Organization. It was something new for us, so it was not the easiest thing we have seen. Linda (our teacher) asked us for reading a chapter related to Complexity of schools . After that, we had to look for news about each part of the chapter, in the language we wanted and only from last year. Do you really think it is an easy task? You probably believe that it is only typing on Google something and you magicly see the news, but I can tell you that it was not as easy as it seemed. We spent two days surfing on the Internet to find them

Task 7.1: Commenting other blogs

Hi there! It is Bea, this week’s worker. That is why I have helped Natalia to comment an interesting blog from the class. This is mainly because, this week, she is in charge of one of the most challenging roles for the development of the tasks: the journalist. My group and I have opted for Fireproofessors team’s blog, composed of Majo, Irene Sánchez, Carlos, Juanda, Carmen, Enrique and Carmen María. We need to admit that our intention was commenting a different blog every week. However, we wanted to express, once again, that we are truly pleased with Fireproofessors’ work. Our decision was mainly based on their creativity, both of the way of presenting the blog and the information included in the posts. Their blog has inspired us a great deal so as to foster our originality and be more open-minded toward new ideas! From Lovely teachers group, we would like to congratulate and encourage them to keep working this way. Their effort is being worth it! https://fireproofes

Task 7.1: Curator-farmer

Hi! I'm Andrea and, as the Curator-Farmer of this week, I am going to provide you all the references of our work called Relationships in a Complex Context. Here you have the link to better see them. Thanks for reading! https://www.mindomo.com/es/mindmap/1e3ede16f2289119e22ebad184cdd72c

Task 7.1: Our star

Hi everyone!! My name is Ángela and I am Lovely teachers' star this week. So, I have the responsability for creating a lovely and perfect journal. The main goal of making it, is to clearly define what is ''Balancing randomness and deterministic order'' and explain which is the relationship between the different news that all groups have found and this complexity. I have tried it, and I hope you like it. Let's take a look. All coments and observations are welcome. Journal's link: https://balancing.atavist.com/balancing1718 Other stars' links: https://emergingknowledgethr.atavist.com/emerging-knowledge-through-connections hhtps://ainhoapm.atavist.com/theory-of-complexity- https://enrique-4.atavist.com/the-context-of-a-complex-organization https://moasteenari.atavist.com/task7