Task 7.1: Reflection

Hey everybody, what’s up?Wwe are so glad of having you here once again.

Our last task’s title was: “Complexity and Relationships”. Complexities were something we had never heard about before Monday 9th, so we had to start by reading and searching articles and news about the complexities of schools. But the task wasn’t so easy, after understanding what each of the six complexities mean, we had to find one news related to each of them. Personally, this was the worst part of the activity because we spent so much time looking for news.

If we take the look back, we find that above all we’ve learn two different things: the first one is to cooperate with other groups. We struggled a bit here because, as you know each person works in a different way and until the moment, we had worked with the same group for almost 2 months, so it was a bit difficult but at the end we managed to get on well, and we did our newspaper.

The second thing we have learnt is about how schools are organized and how complex they can be. As everybody knows, schools are not isolated institutions, in fact they are conditioned by their context, that is, by the rest of the world. Any change in the society affects education, and consequently, it affects to each student and teacher of each school of the world.

Doing this activity we have learnt that everything is connected. Any change, from the smallest one to the biggest one could change what we know as “Schools”. Schools are influenced by what we call Balancing randomness and deterministic order, which means that innovation and tradition take their place while talking about education. For example, during the last years we have noticed about how different educational institutions that have introduced technology in their classes, although there are others that prefer working as they have done for the last fifty years.

At the end, we can summarize this reflection saying that this task show as how education improve, and in general, how the world evolve around us; so we can conclude saying that education is not static and we, as future teachers, should progress and advance at the same time.

See you next week, 

Lovely Teachers.


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