Task 7.1: Translator

Hi everyone! This is Ana and I'm Task 7's translator. As a consequence, I have collected the five main terms which, in my opinion are the crucial ones:

-Complexity theory:  

Referring to schools, it basically describes the functioning of a whole system in which all of his components are connected between themselves, that is to say, each one of the elements has relation with the others to a greater or lesser extent.

-Emerging knowledge: 

It is referred to the knowledge that emerges through connections of the different parts within the educational system. It is useful in order to change of modify the already known information.


It can be understood as the constant pressure in order to innovate or introduce significant changes in a complex system.

-Deterministic order:

On the contrary, it can be understood as the pressure so as to remain constantly the same. It is opposed to introduce variations or changes that could modify the traditional system.


Referring to the educational field, it can be linked with a methodology. It could takes place when pupils find boring, repititious or monotonous an specific kind of educative tool or resource, such as textbooks.

See you soon! :)
L. T ♥


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