Task 9: Reflection

Hello everyone,
My name is Ángela and this is my second time being analyst.

This week we have learned four types of leadership, authoritarian style, participative style, transactional style and transformational style. And according to the characteristics of the school we have invented, we have chosen one style.

It has taught us an important thing, that is, to make suitable choices taking into account the context in which we are. It helps us a lot as future teachers because the decisions we will have to take depend on the students' attitude, motivation, behaviour and characteristics. For example, it is a good idea to implement authoritarian style in a class were students do not behave properly and do not care about learning, but, on the other hand it is a horrible idea to put that style in practice in a class where there are brilliant students.

Besides, when we wrote the text that our fantastic star, Sara, presented on Friday during her campaign, we learned how to put in common our ideas and desires to convince others and make them to think in the same way as us by changing their ideas and thoughts, in only ten minutes.

This is useful for the day in which we have to look for job due to we will have to show all our good qualities and describe us and our objectives as the best in a short period of time, in order to get it. So, we ca say that this task has taught us a lot of things for the future, to be prepare for working life.

Finally, another important thing that we have learned during Friday class, is about listening to what others offer us and be coherent when making decisions.
Although the votes we made in class are not relevant, we have the right and obligation as citizens to vote for the president of our city and our country.

Unfortunately, some people, especially young people, don't care about politics. They just vote for the same candidates as their parents without listen to their ideas, objectives or intentions. And that's a shame. So, everyone must put in practice this skill and decide for themselves, always having good arguments.

And that's all we have reflected about this week's task, see you soon!!



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