Task 9: Translator

Hi there! It’s Bea and, this week, I play translator’s role. Thus, my duty is reflecting the five crucial points of the ninth task called Leadership styles:

To begin with, leadership is considered a paramount aspect to mention. It is the ability to coordinate and guide a group in order to achieve a goal. There are four leadership profiles:

- Authoritarian: the word that better represents these people is ‘control’, since subordinates’ autonomy is actually restricted. Affection and friendly atmospheres are absent in authoritarian contexts, as the real goal is objectivity and productivity. This kind of leaders give priority to loyalty, instead of merits or personal achievements. They use ‘forcing’ and manipulative methods to ensure rules are respected and objectives achieved. An example of this profile is Recess' principal and the teacher who supervises the playground:

HollowchiefTV (2012, April 14). Recess Episode 21 The Great Jungle Gym Standoff [Video file]. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hj3XWtAy9G4

Participative: these leaders create a positive environment, since they consider human relationships are really linked to productivity. Communication is crucial and workers are given the opportunity to perform as a collaborative team who takes part in decision-making processes. Participative guides search for members’ concern about achieving quality in every goal. They also consider that satisfying people’ needs is motivational. So, for instance, becoming a department boss could increase a teacher’s willingness to work, since he or she feels fulfilled.

Anita Bruzzese (2015). Why Your IT Team Sees You as a Manipulative Leader [Photograph]. Retrieved from: https://www.quickbase.com/blog/why-your-it-team-sees-you-as-a-manipulative-leader

- Transactional: this is the most common leadership profile. They do not look for evolution, but keeping things the same. Their aim is achieving goals, but ensuring that members’ needs are satisfied at the same time. This is a kind of exchange system, as guides motivate workers with rewards for commitment and effort.

Cash motivation (2014). Motivation at work [Photograph]. Retrieved from: https://laetitiastuder.wordpress.com/2014/12/17/motivation/

- Transformational: ‘dedication’ and ‘love’ are the terms that better exemplify this type of concerned leader. It promotes a climate of trust, equality, commitment, justice, positive human relationships and empathy. Rules are the product of an agreement among workers and the leader. That is why members are actually productive and, so, fulfilled. It is paramount to highlight that this school leader does not only look for achieving productive results from students, but also ethical ones. The most suitable example could be Martin Luther King:

Janela, M. (2013). Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I have a dream" - Black record holders share their thoughts [Photograph]. Retrieved from: http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/news/2013/8/martin-luther-king-jrs-i-have-a-dream-black-record-holders-share-their-thoughts-50815?fb_comment_id=414666125310665_755221634588444#f1514e7f5b2964c

That is everything for today! Thanks for reading!
Lovely teachers <3


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